Monday, July 21, 2008


My creative mind needs a project now and then and the lastest issue of Parents magazine reminded me of....... TIE-DYE!!! I actually have never tie-dyed anything before but always wanted to and this weekend my mom was coming in town so I thought it would be a cool project for Eli and I to do with her... of course, from the pictures you can see Eli helped for about... oh.... 5 minutes and then just wanted to dump the water back and forth, but I knew this was mostly for me anyway so My mom and I finished several T-shirts and other items... As you can see, Eli only needs so many T-shirts so some of our lucky friends will be getting packages from us in the mail soon:)


christy said...

Looks like you guys had fun!!

We will see you this weekend.

Mia said...

Cute! They look like they turned out great! You are so brave doing that with Eli. Nora would be the one ending up tie-dyed instead of the shirt.

Amy said...

What a fun project! But I agree with Mia, you are brave to it with a two year old! The shirts look great.

amy said...

that's cool! you finleys are way more creative than i am!!!!