Sunday, July 27, 2008

Despite the kidney stone...

It was a great weekend!!

Thursday I was afflicted with yet another kidney stone so most of Friday was spent in a druggy haze.. luckily, my brother and sister in law are awesome and came down on Friday morning to help babysit Eli and me! This video is for them


Mia said...

Oh, yikes, Nikki. I hope it's gone. And just after all that talk in Myrtle Beach about kidney stones, I hope we didn't jinx you into having another one. Feel better soon!

Gram said...

I hope you are feeling better! I am glad that Burt and Christy were there to help. Let me know if you need me.

christy said...

We will be there to help/play whenever you will have us.

Amy said...

That must have been a crappy weekend. I can't believe we talked on Monday and I was going on and on about myself and didn't get an opportunity to find out about your weekend. Sorry to hear abou the kidney stone.