Monday, April 02, 2007

A New Video

We have nothing exciting to post so I thought I would just add this. Here is a semi-recent video of Eli performing at lunch. This video was taken with my little digital camera so there is no sound... sorry...

But I will narrate.... after the 50 seconds on playing with the straw, Eli attempts to perform the itsy, bitsy spider and then the wheels on the bus ( go round and round). The arm swinging at the end is his display of the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish :)

The simple things that moms are so proud of:)


amy said...

yea elijah!! the only songs quinn knows at this point are "tinkle tinkle tinkle tar" (a new song he started singing this weekend) & he knows the "shh shhh shhh" part from the 'everybody clap' Wiggles song. we should probably expand his horizon with some other songs!

Mia said...

He's so cute Nikki. I love the video.

Gram said...

He is very talented! I love that boy :D

Anonymous said...

I think he is doing a great job building his multitasking skills. He kept an eye on everything around him, never lost track of the straw, and still knew when to use his hands for the songs. Such an intelligent child!!! (no favoritism at all). LOVE MY ANGEL.

Elizabeth said...

Adorable! And, I totally understand about being proud of every single thing he does. I am amazed at how amazed I am at the simple new things Asher does. But when you watch them day in and day out you realize how amazing their development process is. Anyway, Happy Easter!